Terms of Services
I. The Buyer acknowledges and declares that they have read all the relevant preliminary information on the www.museumofc.com website and are aware of the essential characteristics of the product subject to this Agreement, its sale price, payment methods, and delivery terms. This preliminary information is available electronically. By confirming this Agreement electronically, the Buyer acknowledges that they have obtained accurate and complete information regarding the essential characteristics of the product, its price excluding taxes and delivery fees, and the payment and delivery details.
II. The Buyer acknowledges and declares that they have read and understood all the preliminary information/terms stated in this Agreement, will fully comply with all obligations in a timely manner, and assume all rights and responsibilities associated with the purchasing process.
III. All intellectual property rights (including information, articles, visuals, trademarks, logos, designs, texts, page layouts, etc.) on www.museumofc.com belong exclusively to Museum Of Fine Clothing. No material on www.museumofc.commay be altered, copied, downloaded, uploaded, reproduced, repackaged, republished, transmitted, redistributed, or resold in whole or in part. The use of materials on this website is strictly prohibited under Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. Legal and criminal sanctions regarding this matter will be applied directly to the Buyer. The Buyer acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that all intellectual and industrial property rights, including images, information, and content on www.museumofc.com, belong to Museum Of Fine Clothing under the Industrial Property Law and that they will not use or copy these rights for themselves or third parties.
IV. The Buyer acknowledges, declares, and undertakes that they have read, understood, and been informed about the Personal Data Protection Law on www.museumofc.com. The Buyer agrees, declares, and undertakes that they consent to the appropriate processing and sharing of their information within the scope permitted by law.